Health & Safety and Sub-Committee

This page is updated by both the Health and Safety members and the Communications Officer.  If you have something that you would like to be added, please contact

Please make sure you send copies of your incident reports to

For WCB information, click here

Health Safety Committee shall consist of three (3) members elected from the general membership.  Their duties shall be to see that Safety Regulations as laid out by the Workers Compensation Board are carried out and report on any irregularities or safety hazards.  The Committee shall report on all actions and findings at the next regular general membership meeting.  Safety Committee members shall be entitled to attend all seminars and workshops relating to safety.  All reports and proposals of this Committee be made available to the members for information at the next regular general membership meeting, following presentation to the Executive.  Also, the reports and proposals are to be published in the monthly Chronicle that precedes the meeting the reports and proposals are tabled at.

The 2024/2025 Committee consists of the following CUPE728 members:

George Hardy

Marcey Campbell

Amanda Williams

The 2024/2025 DFC Committee consists of the following CUPE728 members:

Trades – Des Caines

Non-Trades –  Morag Gallacher

Caretakers – George Hardy

Here are the following members that are on the Health & Safety Sub-Committee for 2024/2025

Health & Safety Sub-Committee – the Health &  Safety Sub-Committee shall consist of five (5) members elected from the general membership plus the three (3) members from the Health & Safety Committee.  Their duties shall be to assist the Health & Safety Committee where needed and to arrange for education for the membership.  They will be entitled to attend seminars and workshops relating to Health & Safety.

Nora Hooper

Allan Henricks

Edward Parsotam

Cassie Deezar

Amber Wynn

Please click the following link below for the provincial K-12 H&S Survey which can be done at your school’s next site-based H&S meeting

2025 – JHST Joint Bulletin – JOHSC survey

On Oct 26, the H&S committee members put on a very successful H&S meeting. We had many people reach out and ask for the presentation.  Here is the presentation in video format along with a PDF version (different colours) so that the slides can be printed out and put on the CUPE boards. Thank you to everyone that came out to the meeting.

2024 Oct H&S Meeting – slide PDF








Information on how to fill out a WCB Claim

Updates on Amendments to Worker’s Compensation Act

Do you have an active WCB claim? If so, you will know that you have a Case Manager attached to your file.  We advise you to not call your Case Manager directly.  We strongly advise you to ALWAYS call the Call Centre at 604-231-8888, state the reason that you are calling, have the WCB Representative read back what they typed and THEN get transferred to your Case manager.  This way, there’s more of a guarantee that your call will get documented onto your on-line file.  Unfortunate, not all Case Managers have time to document your phone call (which they are supposed to).  If your Case manager calls you, please check your on-line file in about 1-hour to make sure that call was documented.  If it wasn’t, call the Call Centre and reiterate that call.  Remember, if it’s not written down in your file, it didn’t happen.

Don’t forget, if you have a WCB Claim you are able to get access to your entire WCB file on-line.  This includes notes from phone conversations (called Communications), any reports from medical professionals and your employer, your wage benefits, etc.