Political Action

The Political Action Committee shall consist of not less than three (3) members, and not more than eight (8) members to be elected from the general membership.  A quorum shall be fifty percent plus one (50% + 1) of the elected Committee.  Their duties shall be to research and recommend action in any field that is affected by legislation on all levels of government which affects the labour movement.  All reports and proposals of this Committee shall be made available to the members for information at the next regular general membership meeting, following presentation to the Executive.  Also, the reports and proposals are to be published in the monthly Chronicle that preceded the meeting the reports and proposals are tabled at.

The following 2023/2024 Committee consists of the following CUPE728 members:

  • Cassie Deezar
  • Theresa Pidcock
  • Edward Parsotam
  • Laura Hagar-Gaube
  • Marcey Campbell

October 19, 2024 BC Provincial Elections

Some of the info below, was taken from the https://elections.bc.ca/2024-provincial-election/voting/ website.

Voting is an important part of British Columbia’s democratic process. It is a chance for every eligible person to influence policies that affect them on a daily basis. With only a simple mark on a ballot, voting lets British Columbians decide who will represent them and what their future will look like. The right to vote is protected by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and is one of Canada’s most cherished institutions.

B.C. was the first province in Canada to establish fixed election dates. While general elections are scheduled to take place every four years, they can occur before a scheduled date if the government calls an election or loses the confidence of the Legislative Assembly.



Key dates



Pre-campaign period begins July 23, 2024
Writ Day (election is called)
Campaign period begins
September 21, 2024
Candidate nominations close at 1 p.m. (Pacific time) September 28, 2024
Online and telephone voter registration closes at midnight October 7, 2024
Advance voting October 10-13, 15-16, 2024
Final Voting Day October 19, 2024
Final count October 26 – 28, 2024 (planned)

Seamless ChildCare Now

All BC families with school-aged kids should have access to quality, affordable childcare close to home. We’re making progress but too slow for the many families that need childcare now. Seamless childcare would be a huge step forward.

Seamless childcare is the best and easiest way to create the safe, reliable school-aged childcare BC families need. By using the classrooms and education support workers already found in every public school, we could have thousands of new spaces for school-aged kids without having to build a single new facility.

For parents, it couldn’t be easier. Drop your kids at school in the morning and pick them up after work. No more running to multiple locations or juggling competing schedules. For kids it means high-quality care with fewer transitions through their day.

BC families need childcare that fits busy lives. 

In December 2023, CUPE728’s Political Action Committee was at the Surrey Christmas Parade sharing information on our fight to bring seamless daycare in our schools.  Check out more information here