Incident Reporting

March 7th,2022

Please will everyone please take note of the reasons of why we do Incident Reporting and what to Report.

Why is it important to report an incident?


They provide a reminder of possible hazards. Reporting them provide a way to monitor potential problems and root causes as they recur. The documentation of these problems and root causes increases the likelihood that repeating failures will be noticed and corrected before they develop to more serious incidents.


Why should all incidents be reported?


Incidents, whether they result in injury, are warnings that there are uncontrolled hazards. We want these hazards identified and removed from the workplace. It is critical that all injuries and incidents, including near misses, be reported so that they can be investigated, and the causes determined and eliminated.


Why is it important to report workplace incidents?


It is usual practice for schools to hold an incident book. It is vital to ensure that any incident, their cause and the subsequent injury symptoms are recorded. When verified against medical records, it provides important proof that an incident has happened.


What should be in an incident report?


An incident report should be:

  • All data must be clear and specific. …
  • An incident report should be objective and supported by facts. …
  • Ensure that all essential questions (what, where, when why and how) are covered in the incident report. …


  1. Why Report Near Misses?


A Near Miss is an unplanned event that did not result in an injury or property damage but had the potential to do so. Given a slight shift in time or position, damage or injury easily could have occurred. Such incidents are estimated to occur at a rate of 50 near-misses for each injury reported.

Identifying and investigating near-misses is a key element to finding and controlling risks before workers are injured. The information gathered through near-miss reporting is evaluated to determine root causes and hazard mitigation strategies. “Lessons learned” are shared in a general way (you are not identified) so all employees can benefit from the findings and your near miss does not turn into someone else’s injury!



If you are being repeatedly hit, kicked, punched sworn at, threatened or even been slightly injured a few times in a year, it can take a toll on you mentally and physically.   It is important these things are documented so if in future you are started to feel the effects you will have documentation of why it has occurred.