CUPE 728 represents the support staff for the Surrey school district (S.D. 36). We are the School & Community Support Workers, Bus Drivers, Clerical, Caretakers, Maintenance, Inclusive Education Support Workers (formally EAs) and Student Support workers who all have a role in the education of Surrey and White Rock’s youth. We are in the unique position of working in B.C.’s largest and fastest growing school district. Surrey is one of Canada’s most culturally diverse and historically rich communities. Our role is defending the rights of our workers, protecting and enhancing the learning experience for the students in our schools and ultimately striving to achieve equality for the future generations in all our communities. As a union it is our responsibility to improve our members’ working conditions as well as their standards of living; to educate and support the interest of labour locally and abroad; to embrace diversity and demand equality; to promote the health of our members and ease the burden of illness. In their many capacities, our members strive to provide for every school an environment that is safe and conducive to learning.