Delegates to CUPE Metro

CUPE Metro is a unique forum for delegates from CUPE locals who come together to discuss issues and events happening in the labour movement in the Vancouver metro area, BC and nationally.

It is an opportunity to inform affiliated locals of the successes, failures and issues that your local is experiencing. What happens in one local can affect another local. CUPE Metro is  a great information source for all activists, new and seasoned, with monthly meetings, committees and education opportunities.

CUPE Metro works with CUPE locals and the broader labour movement to support and organize community events such as the International Women’s Day lunch, May Day, Labour Day and more.

Regular Membership meetings are usually held eight times a year on the second Thursday of the month at 7 pm – except in June, July, August , and December.

Click here for CUPE Metro Website

The 2024/2025 Delegates to CUPE Metro Vancouver District Council include

Tammy Murphy Nora Hooper
Debra Merrier – Metro 1st Vice President Amanda Williams
Shannon Levinsky Allan Henricks
Laura Hagar-Gaube – Metro Recording Secretary Theresa Pidcock
Edward Parsotam – Metro Secretary Treasurer Rupal Singh
Raman Sekhon Amber Wynn
Keegan Christensen Karen Nicoletti